Translate InDesign documents effectively

Optimising Multilingual InDesign Processes

Producing multilingual sales materials and catalogs in InDesign is often a lot of data handling work, and getting through the approvals needed from in-country review teams can be a lengthy process. ONTRAM offers an efficient approach by automatically importing and exporting the data, providing dynamic layout preview, and web-based review driven by flexible workflows and automated notifications. ONTRAM processes InDesign documents without the need for conversion through our direct integration with InDesign Server.

Create multilingual InDesign files in ONTRAM

Multilingual catalogues, brochures and packaging were so far difficult to process efficiently in localisation processes, since the InDesign files had to be compiled manually.
Often a set of e.g. east European languages is combined on the packaging to facilitate printing and logistics for smaller markets.
Now ONTRAM with the new multilingual InDesign capabilities can handle multilingual files and compile the text in one file. The tiresome, error prone manual insertion of the different language version has become obsolete.

More information about the InDesign integration with ONTRAM

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